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Старый 08.11.2010, 22:06   #1  
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East Ocean - Technical: Error installing outlook client: Cannot delete a subkey tree because the subkey does not exist
Источник: http://eastoceantechnical.blogspot.c...nt-cannot.html

"Could not remove registry subkey HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\MSCRMClient\AllowList. Cannot delete a subkey tree because the subkey does not exist."

I come across this error during the installation of Outlook client MSCRM 4.0
If you faced the same problem as me, most probably is you have install outlook client beta 2010 before.

Make sure the Beta 2010 outlook client was uninstalled,
uninstall version 4 outlook client; if any
Manually delete the folder Program Files\MSCRM
Reinstall the CRM 4 outlook client again.

This time it should work like charm :)

Источник: http://eastoceantechnical.blogspot.c...nt-cannot.html
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